Three Things You Should Know if Your Building is Damaged By Flood Water
5/24/2021 (Permalink)
During a storm in Kissimmee, FL, it is possible that your building may be damaged by flood water if the weather becomes severe. Because this is not quite the same as other water damage, you may be unsure of how to deal with it. The following is some information about this type of water that might be helpful to you.
1. Why is a Flood Different From Other Water Damage?
The reason that flood water is different from others is largely due to how it accumulates. While most water damage, such as that from leaks or broken pipes, comes from above, the water in a flood rises from the ground. As it does, it becomes category 3 water.
2. What is Category 3 Water?
When it comes to water contamination, there are three categories. Category 3 or black water, which includes water from a flood, has the highest levels of contamination. Because this water comes up from the ground, it mixes with dirt, debris and sewage. When this happens, it begins to carry waste, bacteria and harmful chemicals that can be hazardous to your health.
3. How Should You Handle It?
Because flood water is highly contaminated, it is not a good idea to try removing it on your own. Instead, you should hire a professional to thoroughly clean and sanitize the building. Any food or beverages that have been in contact with this water should be thrown away as they are no longer safe to consume. Protective gear should be worn at all times while handling category 3 water.
If your building has been affected by water or storm damage of any kind, you should have it taken care of right away to prevent it from becoming worse. If allowed to sit, moisture can contribute to mold growth and can cause materials to weaken. A professional cleanup and restoration company can sanitize the area, perform necessary repairs and salvage many affected items.